
Showing posts from May, 2023


What you see here is what is called the Japanese Last Command Post. It is located in Marpi the northernmost part of the island. It is said to be the main command post where the Japanese's set up most of their heavy artillery guns overlooking the banzai cliff and are aimed out to sea to shoot down US military ships coming from the north. This place is called Suicide Cliff. Its name was taken after hundreds of Japanese's soldiers and some civilians jumped to their death rather than to surrender to the US troops as they were convinced that the marines will abuse them should they surrender or be killed. Beyond the railing is about a 1000 feet drop onto the ground close to the last command post. 

Photo Challenge #1

 My Morning View In the morning, I usually go outside to look at my plants and enjoy the colors of it. I also like listening to music so I turn on my speaker and blast my favorite music while I'm preparing myself to head to school. When I arrive at school, I usually sit on the bench right outside the gym and just look at the court and the sky and enjoy the peace and quiet because I go to school early.

Photo Blog Post #1

 Leonardo Tenorio You can call me Leo for short. I am a Junior in Marianas High School. My hobbies are playing video games and boxing. I do not have any favorite foods at the moment. I do not have any least favorite foods at the moment too. My expectations in this class is that I just hope to learn how to take good pictures with a camera and learn everything there is to know about in digital photography.