My Hero/Role Model

 My Hero


I would say my dad is my hero. He is my hero because he has taught me many things in life that I should know and how it feels to be a man. Every since I was a kid and up until now, he has guided me in the right direction and showed me what's good and what's not. He is also the one making sure everyone is alright and he always provides food on the table and shelter for me and my family.
My dad is someone I will always look up to and I would like to follow in his footsteps because the reason me and my family is living a good life is because of him. He will always be my Hero/Role Model. 
My dad is a very hardworking person, he just isn't the type of person that's lazy at all. Everyday there is always something he has to do and should do. On his free time, he goes out fishing and brings us his catch for us to eat. He is a great guy and he is also very brave. He always says: "Free Time is Fishing Time"


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